Tampa Misdiagnosis Error Lawyer

We expect medical professionals to practice the highest standards of care to keep us healthy and safe, but some commit medical errors that harm their patients. One error involves misdiagnosis, the effects of which can prevent patients from getting the treatment they need and even result in their death.

if you or a loved one suffers injuries because of a misdiagnosis or another medical error, you may recover compensation through a medical malpractice claim with the help of our Tampa misdiagnosis error lawyers.

Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys’s Tampa misdiagnosis error lawyers can help you build a successful case against the liable parties. We have the experience and skills to provide victims of misdiagnosis with reliable representation in medical malpractice claims and lawsuits.

Why Turn to Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys?

Here is what qualifies our firm to handle these cases.

Over 25 Years of Experience

Frank and Jennifer FernandezWhenever you seek a misdiagnosis errors lawyer in Tampa, one of the main elements to look for is sufficient experience handling medical malpractice cases. Our team has more than 25 years of experience backing them, enabling our firm to provide dependable representation in all types of malpractice cases, including misdiagnoses.

We work hard to protect our clients and fight for their rights whenever they need our services. The firm’s lead attorneys, Frank and Jennifer Fernandez, know how to handle these cases and work with clients to recover the compensation they deserve.

Many Satisfied Clients

If you don’t know whether you can trust our Tampa misdiagnosis errors lawyers, our clients have given us many reviews and testimonials praising us for the results we helped them achieve. We have worked with a large number of clients over the years, recovering large settlement amounts for many of them. You can learn more about what people think of our firm by reading our Google Reviews or viewing our clients’ video testimonials.

Reputable Trial Lawyers With National Recognition

Best Lawyers in America Award 2022 for Fernandez Firm Accident Injury AttorneysAnother reason to turn to Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys is our national recognition and widespread acclaim resulting from our long and successful history. Our acclaim includes recognition from Who’s Who, Better Business Bureau, and SuperLawyers, among other organizations.

Tampa Bay Magazine named us among the Top Attorneys in Tampa Bay in 2017, 2018, and 2019. These accolades have garnered our reputation as some of Tampa’s best misdiagnosis errors attorneys.

Personalized Representation

While many law firms tend to push their large size as a big selling point, we instead choose to focus on the personalized service that our clients will not get from larger firms. When you turn to us for representation, you will benefit from working with an experienced attorney instead of an unreliable and less experienced paralegal or associate attorney. Our lawyers will determine precisely what you need from us and tailor our services accordingly.

Take Your Case to Court if Necessary

Tampa Misdiagnosis Error LawyerMisdiagnosis error cases and other malpractice claims are more likely to settle during negotiations, but they may need to go to trial if they refuse to settle.

Although many attorneys won’t or cannot take these cases to court, our experienced trial lawyers can do so if it will get you the best possible outcome. If we cannot settle during negotiations, we can sue to increase the chances of a fair settlement.

You Do Not Pay Unless We Win

We have collectively recovered over $100 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients as reliable, trusted Tampa misdiagnosis error attorneys. We work on a contingency fee basis, so our clients do not need to pay for our services unless we succeed with their case and settle. We work hard to help our clients get a fair settlement, starting as soon as we decide to take on our clients’ cases.

If you consult Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys for a potential misdiagnosis error case, one of our lawyers will meet with you in a free consultation to discuss your options. We’ll only charge a contingency fee if we take on your case and begin representation.

Compensation for Misdiagnosis Errors

In the event of a misdiagnosis error or another form of medical negligence, you may be able to recover different types of compensation for injuries, illnesses, and other damages resulting from these errors. Victims of medical malpractice in Florida may be able to seek compensation for economic, non-economic, wrongful death, or even punitive damages.

The following are some specific examples of the different forms of compensation you may recover in a medical malpractice case:

  • Medical expenses and other costs resulting from the misdiagnosis
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy costs
  • Physical pain and mental distress
  • Wrongful death costs, including funeral and burial expenses along with non-economic damages such as loss of a parent or spouse

Some cases may also warrant punitive damages to punish the defendant for unusually negligent or malicious behavior.

At the Fernandez Firm Accident Attorneys, our legal team, including lead attorneys Frank and Jennifer Hernandez, can work closely with you to recover the compensation you deserve.

Why Do Misdiagnosis Errors Occur in Tampa?

Misdiagnosis is common and affects millions of people every year. According to a recent report, around 6 percent of the 130 million people in U.S. emergency rooms receive a misdiagnosis.

Doctors may erroneously diagnose or fail to diagnose certain conditions, which can harm their patients who proceed to receive incorrect or insufficient treatment for their actual condition. Like many other cities, Tampa has many medical facilities where medical professionals may diagnose incorrectly.

When you turn to Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys for a misdiagnosis error case in Tampa, you can work with attorneys with experience handling cases involving Tampa hospitals, such as:

  • Tampa General Hospital
  • Kindred Hospital Bay Area
  • Adventhealth Tampa
  • St. Joseph’s Hospital
  • HCA Florida South Tampa Hospital
  • Kindred Hospital Central Tampa

Regardless of where the misdiagnosis occurred and who is responsible for it, we can determine if you can hold a medical professional liable for your or a loved one’s misdiagnosis.

Common Types of Misdiagnosis Errors and Complications

There are a few different types of misdiagnosis errors that medical professionals may make. Frank and Jennifer Hernandez, along with the rest of the team at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, can determine which type of misdiagnosis is involved in your case and, subsequently, identify the parties responsible for it.

The main types of misdiagnosis errors include:

The Wrong Diagnosis

A doctor may diagnose the wrong condition in some cases. For example, a doctor may claim that a patient is experiencing acid reflux or another less serious condition when the patient is actually suffering from a much more serious digestive issue. This would lead the patient to receive treatment for another condition they do not have, leading to even more complications while the untreated condition progresses.

Failure to Diagnose

Sometimes doctors may fail to properly diagnose a condition that a patient has, ultimately resulting in a complete lack of a diagnosis. This can be particularly serious as the patient will likely receive no treatment at all, worsening the condition.

Some cases may also involve doctors failing to diagnose one condition while correctly diagnosing another. For instance, a patient may have suffered stroke and heart disease symptoms. The doctor may be liable for failure to diagnose if they correctly diagnose the stroke but fail to identify and diagnose the heart disease.

Delayed Diagnosis

Even if a doctor eventually correctly diagnoses one or more illnesses that a patient has, it could come after a long delay that the doctor could have avoided. In the above example, the patient may eventually receive a correct diagnosis of their heart disease, but only after repeat visits for various symptoms.

These forms of misdiagnosis often have serious consequences and can lead to multiple complications for patients and their loved ones, such as:

  • Progression of cancers and other serious illnesses
  • Misprescribed medications that, in turn, lead to further complications
  • Delayed recovery
  • Under- or over-treatment of a condition
  • Physical pain
  • Psychological distress
  • Stress

Negotiating Medical Malpractice Claims With Insurers

If you or a loved one suffers from a misdiagnosis error, it may result from medical malpractice. This may warrant the opening of a medical malpractice claim against liable medical professionals or facilities.

In most cases, our lawyers will start by filing a claim through a facility’s insurance company. If the case involves significant damages, insurers will work diligently to significantly reduce your settlement or deny your claim.

Insurance companies will assign an adjuster to discuss your claim and negotiate a settlement. Adjusters may appear sympathetic and helpful, but they work for the insurance company and will not truly side with you during negotiations. They will find ways to minimize your settlement or reject your claim.

Frank and Jennifer Hernandez and the Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys team are here for you. We know what tactics insurance companies and adjusters use to reduce or deny valid claims. Our Tampa misdiagnosis errors attorneys can identify all liable parties in these cases, collect evidence to build a claim, determine the exact value of the case, and negotiate a fair settlement with insurers.

What to Do After a Misdiagnosis Error

Following a misdiagnosis error and any complications experienced, there are certain steps you can take to increase your chances of building a successful case against liable doctors and facilities.

These steps include:

1. Consult an Attorney

One of the first steps is to speak with an experienced misdiagnosis errors lawyer in Tampa. An attorney can meet with you in a consultation to discuss a potential case and may be able to provide representation during claims negotiations. The right attorney may also be able to take your case to court if needed.

2. Collect Sufficient Evidence

You must also do what you can to obtain as much evidence to support your claim. Misdiagnoses can be challenging to prove, but some pieces of evidence may help you show how a doctor erroneously diagnoses, failed to diagnose, or delayed the diagnosis of a condition.

Some of this evidence could include:

  • Medical records that clearly establish a doctor-patient relationship
  • Correspondence with medical professionals regarding the misdiagnosed condition and the misdiagnosis itself
  • Technical diagnostics details

If you cannot collect any of this evidence, an attorney may assist you in this regard.

3. Do Not Wait to File

To recover compensation in a medical malpractice claim, avoid waiting too long to build your case. According to Florida’s statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases, you have two years to file a lawsuit. After that, you cannot recover compensation from the liable parties.

Reach Out to a Tampa Misdiagnosis Error Attorney Today

Tampa Attorney Frank Fernandez for Misdiagnosis Error
Frank Fernandez, Tampa Misdiagnosis Error Lawyer

Following any misdiagnosis, you may file a claim or lawsuit against the responsible medical provider. The personal injury attorneys at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys can determine whether you have a valid medical malpractice case resulting from a misdiagnosis.

If misdiagnosis occurs and you want to build a case, call our offices today at (813) 278-1032 or contact us online.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation Today!

The Fernandez Firm – Tampa Office
2503 W Swann Ave #100,
Tampa, FL 33609
Phone: (813) 278-1032