Sarasota Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys
Sarasota nursing homes and assisted living facilities (ALF) are trusted to care for some of society’s most vulnerable citizens. Sadly, some of these facilities are not deserving of the trust placed in them by families seeking skilled, compassionate care for their loved ones. In some situations, residents are forgotten, neglected and abused causing their health to deteriorate and sending them into a downward spiral often resulting in their premature death. That is where we come in.
The Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys has been representing clients, including those suffering neglect and abuse at nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout Florida, for nearly 25 years. During that time-frame, we have obtained more than $90 million in settlements and jury verdicts at trial. Our reputations skilled, hard-working, dedicated Sarasota nursing home abuse attorneys is the key to our continued success.
Contact our office today if your loved one has been injured to learn how we can help 1-800-222-8163.
Experienced Nursing Home Attorneys

Frank and Jennifer Fernandez have been nationally recognized as leaders in their legal fields by numerous organizations and publications throughout their careers. Tampa Bay Magazine recently named both Frank Fernandez and Jennifer Fernandez as Top Attorneys for the years 2017 and 2018. Florida Trend Magazine named attorney Frank Fernandez to its list of “Florida Legal Elite.” Attorney Jennifer Gentry Fernandez has been listed on the National Register’s “Who’s Who Among Business and Professional Achievers.” Attorneys Frank Fernandez and Jennifer Fernandez have also been honored to be nationally recognized as Super Lawyers.
What is Nursing Home/ALF Abuse and Neglect?
Examples of nursing home/ALF negligence, neglect and abuse resulting in a legal claim include:
- Lack of electrical power resulting in the loss of air conditioning and leading to the death of a resident. The facility had a back-up generator, but it was not in working order.
- Nursing home staff failed to timely turn or reposition a bedbound resident resulting in avoidable bedsores (often called pressure sores or decubitus ulcers).
- Nursing home staff ignored warnings in medical records that a resident was prone to falls. The resident was not properly supervised, fell and suffered broken bones. The staff claimed they had too many residents to care for to be fully knowledgeable about all their needs.
- A resident with dementia was able to leave the facility due to unlocked doors, lack of alarms and supervision. The person was found a distance away, injured because of a fall. The facility also lacked a plan on how to effectively search for a resident who wandered away.
- Medication mistakes by assisted living staff resulted in a resident suffering a heart attack. Staff provided medication in incorrect doses to the resident. A communication error happened in the facility’s pharmacy, leading to the mistake.
- A severely-disabled nursing home resident was repeatedly sexually assaulted by a staff member. Prior reports of such assaultive behavior were made to management; however, a full investigation was never undertaken.
- A nurse’s aide engaged in identity theft and financial abuse of nursing home residents. She collected information on residents enabling her to apply for credit cards in their names and then used the cards until the fraud was discovered. The employee had a criminal record for theft and fraud prior to working at the facility, but management failed to do a background check before hiring her.
Suspect Neglect or Abused?
If you suspect neglect or abuse, take photographs, take nurses/aids names and collect evidence establishing the problem. Observe the other residents and how staff interacts with them, as well as the general condition of the facility. Does the neglect or abuse you suspect seem be a common problem or unique to your family member? Raise your complaints to management and get a written commitment that any issues will be quickly resolved. If your concerns are not taken seriously or the problem continues, contact an attorney with our office immediately.
We will discuss your case and the facility’s response and start an investigation of our own. Once we represent you, we will obtain medical records from the facility, interview all potential witnesses and report the problem to the Agency for Health Care Administration. If we determine there is a serious problem, we will attempt to resolve it and, if necessary, file a legal action to hold all responsible for any injuries accountable.
Sarasota Nursing Home Abuse – Call Today!
If your loved one has been neglected or abused in a nursing home or assisted living facility in Sarasota, contact our law office today at 1-800-222-8163. Our nursing home abuse attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss your legal options and the consultation is free.
At the Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, we do not get paid unless we Win!