Author : Frank Fernandez

Bicycle Accidents Personal Injury

​Can You Sue Someone for Hitting You on a Bike?

Frank Fernandez
Riding your bike through the historic streets of St. Petersburg, along the beach in Miami, or visiting popular theme parks in Orlando is a great way to soak up the Florida sunshine. With nice year-round weather, cycling can help you to relax on the weekend, beat traffic on your morning commute, or reduce your carbon footprint while getting around. Unfortunately, riding your bike isn’t as safe as a car or a truck. If another vehicle...
Car Accidents

Who Is At Fault in A Car Accident T-Bone

Frank Fernandez
T-bone accidents, also called broadside collisions, involve the front end of one vehicle striking the side of another vehicle, or vice versa. These accidents have the name T-bone collision because after the accident occurs, the vehicles form the shape of a T. As technical as it sounds, T-bones present a very serious accident scenario that may have happened to you recently in Tampa, Florida. T-bone accidents can result in multiple fatalities, especially if the accident...
Auto Accidents

The Most Common Causes of Vehicle Collisions

Frank Fernandez
Every year, thousands of traffic accidents happen across the country. They are a leading cause of death in the United States and a significant source of hospital emergency room visits. Yet, even though these collisions happen for various reasons, most are often due to driver error. That is why the only way to help prevent these injury-causing and fatal vehicle accidents is to comprehend how they happen and what the leading causes of these accidents...
Medical Malpractice

How Do You Win a Medical Negligence Case?

Frank Fernandez
You might suffer no adverse consequences when a healthcare provider commits an error. A doctor might even correct a mistake early enough that you never know it happened. But many victims of medical errors suffer injuries or death. These injuries can range from cuts and bruises from rough handling by nursing assistants to a long and painful battle with a fatal disease after an incorrect diagnosis. Understanding medical negligence and what you need to prove...
Trucking Accidents

How to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit

Frank Fernandez
Truck transport is a thriving business in the United States. An estimated 15.5 million trucks operate in the U.S., with almost 2 million tractor-trailers. About 70 percent of all products reach their destination via a type of truck. Trucks supply essential products, including consumer goods, medical supplies, and equipment. Cars, motorcycles, and pedestrians share the roads with large trucks. Accidents are a common occurrence. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that over 500,000 truck accidents...
Trucking Accidents

Truck Rollovers: Deadly and More Common Than You Might Think

Frank Fernandez
In Florida, 349 people were killed by truck crashes in a recent year, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Large commercial motor vehicles (CMV) and other trucks pose considerable danger to other motorists and passersby if they crash, simply because they are the largest vehicles on the road. The weight of a large CMV, especially, can be roughly 30 times that of passenger cars. Nationwide, 4,114 people died in truck crashes in...
Bicycle Accidents

What Are the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Bicycle Accidents?

Frank Fernandez
More than fifty million people all across the country are bicycling for exercise, transportation, or pleasure. But unfortunately, even though bicyclists account for about one percent of vehicles on the road, they account for about two percent of all preventable bicycle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in one recent year, there were 49,000 injuries from traffic accidents, an increase of 5.4 percent from the previous year. With its beautiful scenery,...
Trucking Accidents

What Can Families Do After a Trucking Accident Fatality?

Frank Fernandez
Being involved in a crash with a large truck is always a shock, but when a loved one dies from the accident, the shock and trauma are far greater. Knowing that your loved one died because of someone’s negligence only adds to the emotional burden. In one recent year, 5,005 people died in crashes involving large trucks, and 71 percent of those killed occupied other vehicles or were pedestrians. In Florida, there were 340 fatal...
Car Accidents

What Happens if I Get Injured in an Accident With an Underinsured Driver?

Frank Fernandez
Getting injured in any motor vehicle accident is upsetting. When the driver at fault hits your car, you expect their insurance company to cover damages to your vehicle and your medical expenses. Therefore, you probably have questions if an uninsured motorist injures you in an accident. Most people’s primary concern is whether and how they can obtain fair compensation for their losses. Every Florida driver must carry auto insurance. In Florida, you must carry proof...
Car Accidents

How Can You Tell Who Hit Who in a Car Accident?

Frank Fernandez
Determining who bears fault for a car accident can prove critical. The at-fault individual’s insurance company will usually take care of the damages related to the accident, including the cost of repairs to the vehicle and medical treatment for any injured parties. However, establishing who hit who in a car accident can sometimes prove difficult, especially if neither party admits liability. You may know that the other party caused your accident but have difficulty proving...