Category : TBI


​Fighting the Insurance Company After a TBI

Frank Fernandez
The brain is one of the body’s most important, if not the most crucial, organs. It is a powerful part of the body that controls everything from thoughts and memories to breathing and hunger. An injured brain can cause many symptoms and effects on the body. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) result from trauma to the head and body. These brain injuries can range in severity but frequently lead to troublesome symptoms and could even end...

What Are the Most Common Causes of TBIs?

Frank Fernandez
As humans, we rely on our brains for everything we do. Whether it is a conscious action, such as speaking, or an unconscious act, like breathing, the brain is an essential organ. Traumatic brain injuries can occur when the brain sustains an injury from an external force, such as a blow to the head or a penetrating wound. These injuries often happen because another person fails to give due care. If you or someone you...