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Auto Accidents

Back to School: Keeping Kids Safe

he arrival of school means that new traffic patterns will be on the roadway. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) released a report in 2008 that showed autumn as being the most dangerous season for pedestrians. During this time of the year, 29% of traffic deaths are pedestrian-related. As you venture out during the school year, make sure to use the following traffic safety tips.

Obey the Rules of the Road

Even if you are walking along the road, you must still follow safety rules. To stay safe, you should avoid jaywalking or texting while you walk. Up to 33% of crashes that involve child pedestrians occur because the child ran into the road. Teach your children how to be good pedestrians and always use crosswalks.

Show Respect for the Bus

You can help to make bus drivers’ task a little simpler by respecting them on the roadway. Teach your children to always walk in front of the bus instead of behind it. If you are driving, yield to buses that need to merge and make sure to follow them at a safe distance. Buses have to stop frequently, so you must be prepared for them to brake.

Don’t Speed

Across the nation, school zones typically have speed limits that range from 15 to 25 miles per hour. While in a school zone, stick to the speed limit and prepare to brake quickly. Children have a habit of darting across the road, so you have to be prepared for anything. While in a school zone, keep in mind that curbs are supposed to be for emergency vehicles or buses. Also, remember that children can still be present after school.

Watch Safety Hazards While Carpooling

With the price of gas, many parents have chosen to carpool instead of driving their child to school alone. Although it saves time and money, carpooling still carries the same risks as a normal vehicle. If you are driving the car, you have to make sure that each child is buckled up. You may need to remind the children that they still need to buckle up in other vehicles as well. Beyond the fact that it’s a law, buckling up could save your child’s life.

Contact Us

At The Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, we care about children. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident while driving to or from school, give us a call. We want to help you learn your options and find if you are eligible for compensation for your injuries. Contact us today for more information.