Lakeland Cardiac Arrest Injuries Lawyer

Cardiac arrest can strike unexpectedly, leaving victims with significant health implications and, sometimes, catastrophic injuries. Many of these preventable instances in Lakeland entail medical negligence or malpractice. The mental, physical, and financial toll of a cardiac arrest injury can overwhelm you. But victims are not alone.

You may have the legal right to compensation for your losses if you or a loved one has suffered a cardiac arrest injury due to negligence, malpractice, or other wrongful causes.

The experienced Lakeland cardiac arrest injury lawyers at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys know how to get it for you. Contact us to learn about your rights and options.

Skilled Cardiac Arrest Injury Lawyers in Lakeland

Frank and Jennifer Fernandez, Lakeland Cardiac Arrest Injuries Lawyer

Our Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys team has a wealth of experience handling cardiac arrest injury cases and an impressive record of successful outcomes for our clients.

Our convenient, centrally located offices at 100 South Kentucky Avenue in Lakeland serve the needs of our community. We feel fighting for those with cardiac arrest injuries in Lakeland is a privilege. We diligently pursue the maximum compensation you deserve while offering trusted advice and guidance in your time of need.

Schedule a Free Initial Consultation Today!

Harmful Results of Cardiac Injuries in Lakeland

Cardiac arrest is a sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, which many people don’t survive. Those who may suffer long-lasting or permanent physical and cognitive impairments that drastically diminish their quality of life, causing significant emotional and financial hardships.

The most common causes of cardiac arrest include coronary heart disease, physical stress, and significant blood loss. While some instances are purely medical, others result from negligence or wrongdoing, such as medical malpractice or defective medical products.

Cardiac arrest survivors frequently encounter significant challenges, typically because the brain sustained an injury from not receiving enough oxygen while the heart stopped. This often causes neurological injuries that result in cognitive and physical disabilities.

Cardiac arrest survivors can also face other significant health complications, including pulmonary illness, renal (kidney) injuries, and psychological struggles. These challenges frequently lead to financial difficulties due to high medical care costs and the inability to earn a living.

At Fernandez Firm Pedestrian Accident Injury Attorneys in Lakeland, our job is to secure financial support for people suffering from cardiac arrest injuries so that they can meet these challenges and cover the cost of their long-term needs. Ask us about what we can do for you.

Your Right to Compensation for a Lakeland Cardiac Arrest Injury

You may have the right to significant compensation if you or a loved one has suffered a cardiac arrest injury in Lakeland due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful act.

Lakeland Cardiac Arrest Injuries Lawyer

Anyone whose unreasonable decisions, actions, or failure to act led to your cardiac arrest or sustained injuries could be liable for your losses, such as medical professionals who failed to diagnose or treat your heart condition appropriately. It could also include the manufacturer of a defective medical device that failed to prevent your cardiac arrest or caused significant injuries when used to treat you.

These are just a few examples, however. Every case is different, so speak with our experienced lawyers. We can identify the specific parties who may owe you compensation for your losses.

No matter who a lawyer identifies as liable to you, Florida law permits you to seek payment for a wide range of damages from your cardiac arrest injury.

These typically include payment for your:

  • Medical expenses, both current and future.
  • Lost income and diminished earning capacity from being unable to work.
  • Physical pain and suffering.
  • Emotional distress and mental health challenges like post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Loss of consortium with a spouse or intimate partner.

A Florida court may also award punitive damages to the victim of a cardiac arrest injury to punish the at-fault party and deter others from similar misconduct.

Every cardiac arrest injury case in Lakeland is unique. At Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, we aim to ensure our clients receive the maximum compensation allowable under the law. Contact us to explore the worth of your case.

We Can Handle Insurance for You

Navigating the complexities of insurance after a cardiac arrest injury can be daunting. Your private health insurance or Medicare/Medicaid coverage may cover some costs associated with your cardiac arrest injury, such as hospital stays, rehabilitative services, and medication.

The full extent of your physical, emotional, and financial injuries often far exceeds your coverage limits.

When someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing causes a cardiac arrest injury in Lakeland, their liability insurance coverage should pay your losses, but that does not mean they will. Insurance companies commonly dispute or deny cardiac arrest injury claims, hoping to avoid paying substantial financial losses and long-term medical expenses.

Insurers also often resort to underhanded tactics to diminish or avoid liability. These can include delaying claims, attempting to shift blame onto the victim, or pressuring the injured party to give a recorded interview or to disclose more about their medical history than necessary.

At the Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, we are intimately familiar with these tactics and can counter them effectively. We deal with all insurance-related issues on behalf of our clients. Our team takes on the burden of negotiating with insurance companies, submitting the claim paperwork, and, if required, aggressively litigating your case in court to force insurance companies to pay the compensation you deserve.

While we handle your insurance claims as your authorized representative, you can focus on your recovery, knowing that your case is in experienced hands.

Additional Services We Can Provide for Lakeland Cardiac Arrest Injury Victims

At Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, we provide comprehensive and compassionate legal services to our clients in Lakeland.

Our experienced attorneys handle the complexities of insurance matters and offer additional services, including:

  • Gathering critical evidence and documentation to support your claim.
  • Working with medical experts to establish the link between your cardiac arrest injury and the negligence or misconduct of the at-fault party.
  • Handling all communications with the at-fault party’s lawyers.
  • Negotiating settlements when possible.
  • Advising you about whether to accept or reject settlement offers.
  • Going to court to fight for your rights if reaching a fair settlement is impossible, including taking your case to trial before a judge and jury.
  • Following up to ensure you receive every penny from a settlement, judgment, or jury verdict we secured in your favor.

The Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys team believes you should not have to worry about legal costs when grappling with medical expenses and lost income after sustaining a cardiac arrest injury in Lakeland. That’s why we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case. If you choose to hire us, we work on a contingent fee basis. You won’t owe us anything unless we recover your compensation.

Steps to Consider After Suffering a Cardiac Arrest Injury in Lakeland

Protecting your rights after a cardiac arrest injury in Lakeland can make all the difference in your quest for justice and compensation. Here are some suggestions:

Focus On Healing and Recovering

Follow your medical provider’s instructions to recuperate and heal. This may include taking medication, making lifestyle changes, and participating in disease management and various forms of therapy. These treatments promote your health, and getting the care you need creates thorough records that serve as evidence in proving your compensation claim.

Avoid Agreeing to Quick, Lowball Settlement Offers

In the aftermath of your cardiac arrest injury, insurance companies might try to pressure you into agreeing to a quick settlement. An initial offer is usually far less than what you deserve for your losses.

If you accept it, you must give up your rights to full payment.

Before agreeing to or signing anything an insurance company sends you, always speak with an experienced lawyer about your rights. We offer a free consultation at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys and can usually negotiate to secure you far more than the offered amount.

Hire an Experienced Lawyer As Soon as Possible

Engaging an experienced Lakeland cardiac arrest injury lawyer as soon as possible can make a substantial difference in your case. While you focus on healing and recovery, a lawyer can collect evidence to support your claim before it goes missing or becomes unavailable.

A lawyer can also ensure you meet any pressing legal deadlines applicable to your case, such as the statute of limitations.

The sooner you hire a skilled Lakeland cardiac arrest injury attorney, the better your chances of receiving the full compensation you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cardiac Arrest Injury Cases

We’ve answered some frequently asked questions to ensure you understand your rights and legal options after sustaining a cardiac arrest injury in Lakeland. Contact the team at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your case.

Can I Get Damages for a Cardiac Arrest Injury From Providers Who Saved My Life?

You could receive compensation for your losses if the cardiac arrest or resulting injuries happened because medical providers made preventable errors, even if those same providers saved your life afterward. The law holds everyone, including medical providers, accountable for the consequences of their negligence.

Who Decides if My Cardiac Arrest Injury Was Someone Else’s Fault?

Determining the fault in a cardiac arrest injury case often involves complex medical and legal analysis. You—as the patient and plaintiff—your lawyer, medical experts, the defendant’s representatives, and, if required, a judge or jury, can all play a role in this process.

A skilled lawyer can identify who might have a legal liability to you under Florida law and negotiate or litigate to secure a favorable outcome.

How Long Does It Take To Receive Compensation?

The timeline for receiving compensation varies widely from case to case. Determining factors include the complexity of your case, the amount of damages you seek, the willingness of the at-fault parties to resolve the issue, and the court’s calendar.

At Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys, we resolve cases as swiftly as possible to secure the maximum compensation available under the law.

Contact an Experienced Lakeland Cardiac Arrest Injury Lawyer Today

Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys Tampa Lawyer
Cardiac Arrest Injuries Lawyer, Frank Fernandez

The aftermath of a cardiac arrest injury in Lakeland can be overwhelming, but you don’t need to confront the challenge alone. The experienced team at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys can seek the justice and compensation you deserve.

Don’t wait to get the legal help you need after a cardiac arrest injury upends your life or the life of your loved one. Contact the experienced Lakeland personal injury lawyers at Fernandez Firm Accident Injury Attorneys in Lakeland today at (863) 230-8361 for your free consultation.

The Fernandez Firm – Lakeland

100 S Kentucky Ave #285
Lakeland, Florida, 33801
(863) 230-8489