Category : Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Seatbelt Injuries

Mark Hickey
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 84 percent of adult drivers and 82 percent of front-seat passengers wore seatbelts in the U.S. in 2011. Seatbelts play an essential role in maintaining the safety of a vehicle’s passengers in the event of a crash or collision. Unfortunately, car accidents remain the leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 5 and 34. In response to the growing number of car accidents that...
Auto Accidents

The Link Between Bad Weather & Motor Vehicle Accidents

Mark Hickey
Upcoming extreme weather conditions often make headline news because of their potential to inflict injury or cause death in communities across the nation. However, while floods, heat, hurricanes, and tornadoes wreak havoc and cost lives every year, the biggest threat to people concerning adverse weather conditions is automotive accidents. Vehicular Accident Statistics According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are close to six million motor vehicle accidents in the United States annually. Statistics...
Auto Accidents

Top 5 Distractions for Drivers

Mark Hickey
Driving a vehicle requires coordination, reflexes, and 100 percent of your focus and attention. However, according to an NHTSA study, driver distraction is responsible for over 80 percent of all vehicle crashes. In fact, distracted drivers cause more accidents each year than drunk drivers, defective car parts, and slippery roads combined. There are many distractions that can hinder a person’s driving, but the NHTSA study cites the following five distractions as being the most prevalent...
Auto Accidents

5 Steps When You’re Hit by a Drunk Driver

Mark Hickey
In 2012, over 10,000 people were killed due to drunk drivers in the U.S, and an estimated 345,000 individuals sustained injuries in accidents that were caused by people driving while intoxicated according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving. In other words, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash in the U.S. every 51 minutes, and someone is injured every 90 seconds because of this entirely preventable crime. The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibly reports that...
Auto Accidents

Medical Treatment Important After Even Minor Car Accidents

Mark Hickey
The phrase “car accident” usually conjures images of mangled vehicles, ambulances and life-threatening injuries. Serious accidents take place every day, but in truth, the majority of accidents are considered minor. These are the accidents most of us refer to as “fender benders,” in which the damage and injuries are minimal. When you experience a minor accident, the first thing to do is to check for injuries and call for emergency help if necessary. In many cases,...
Auto Accidents

Hands-Free Doesn’t Mean Distraction-Free: The Truth About Hands-Free Devices

Mark Hickey
Many states have outlawed the use of handheld wireless phones and other devices while driving, causing an increasing number of drivers to switch to hands-free accessories as a means to stay connected when behind the wheel. They believe that by using an ear piece or a microphone system installed into the vehicle that they can safely talk, text or check social media and email while driving. Unfortunately, that is not the case. A recent study sponsored by...
Auto Accidents

Alcohol: Not the Only Factor in Impaired Driving

Mark Hickey
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a third of all fatal automobile accidents are directly attributable to alcohol. It is no mystery that alcohol impairs your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. However, alcohol is not the only cause of impaired driving and serious auto accidents. Multiple factors can prevent a driver from having complete control of a vehicle. Some of these factors are behaviors that many drivers engage in every day...
Auto Accidents

Too Tired to Drive? Why Tired Driving Is as Bad as Drunk Driving

Mark Hickey
In the early morning hours of March 12, 2011, a bus traveling to New York City from Connecticut crashed, killing 15 passengers and seriously injuring 17 others. After a thorough investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board determined the accident was caused by several factors, all of them related to one fact: driver fatigue. In the three days leading up to the day of the crash, the bus driver had not had adequate rest, which, when...
Auto Accidents

Strict Driving Rules Protect Teen Drivers

Mark Hickey
Earning a driver’s license is a rite of passage for most teens. Gaining the legal right to drive may symbolize freedom to a young person, but to parents, the idea of their child out on the road is a cause for worry and concern. That concern is not unwarranted. Car accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2,700 people ages 16 to...
Auto Accidents

Seniors Must Take Precautions to Avoid Serious Car Accidents

Mark Hickey
Statistically speaking, teenagers are among the most accident-prone drivers. Teens are more than three times likely to die in a car accident than those over age 20 and account for about 30 percent of the costs associated with car accidents in the U.S. Young drivers are not the only people vulnerable to serious accidents, though. Older drivers, those over age 65, also have a significant risk of being involved in a car crash. According to...